Sandy Kane

My lifelong passion for learning has inspired me to investigate many aspects of learning and development, and how the body and mind work together for us to be at our best. Motivated by my professional background in e-Learning, development and training and together with my interest in Biology, I have been researching the nervous system and how we process stress for the past nine years. I have had great success using resilience skills in working with children and adults over the last four years as a Children’s Playworker. Since achieving my certification with the Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) to teach the Community Resiliency Model, I am excited to bring together my professional experience and personal learning to deliver this fantastic resilience training.

Working with:

Margaret Johnston

I’m a person-centred, straight-talking Trainer and Coach with an exclusive and proven service offering. From 2012, I have had the privilege of delivering bespoke training and coaching interventions to more than 2200 people across the private, public and community/voluntary sectors.

I help individuals explore, embrace, and enable their full potential. During our time together, priority is given to core themes such as:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Understanding the Impact of Stress and Trauma
  • Discovering Personal Potential 
  • Developing and Deepening Resiliency Levels

Time spent deep-diving in these areas helps the individual rediscover and redefine their levels of self-identity and confidence. This learning inspires and encourages them to take action by setting goals and personalised plans that enables them to begin the journey of living more meaningful and purposeful lives.

The more time you spend with me the more often you’ll hear me ask ‘what’s next?’ and ‘what else?’ That’s because I’m capable of setting a trustworthy and safe environment in which I will challenge the status quo in a bid to reveal how much higher and further a person can reach.

I’m curious about possibility and compelled by a belief that everyone has the inner strength and capability to improve their professional and personal lives. It’s rarely easy, but is always worthwhile.

I would love the opportunity to explore my work and its benefits with you in more detail.